Doesn’t it seem confusing sometimes merely to get yourself a rental car? There appears to be so much paperwork and so many decisions to make.

For example, should you obtain the collision damage waiver or not? Should you buy additional insurance coverage from the automobile rental company?

If you have ever watched people at the rental car counter, you know these are questions that most people struggle with. Sometimes London luxury car hire can decline additional insurance on car rentals, but there are specific instances that you need to always buy the insurance. But how do you know?

One of the biggest regions of confusion may be the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) provided by the car rental company during rental. It covers damage to the rental car for anyone who is involved in an accident.

The CDW isn’t exactly insurance, and it only covers only damage to the rental car. It doesn’t cover property damage or accidental injury. If CDW is purchased, the automobile rental company waives some or most of its right to gain from you for physical damages to the car.

So should you purchase the CDW the car rental agency pushes at you? Experts say that most people don’t require it but purchase it anyway. It is a very costly mistake!

You can save yourself plenty of hassle and unnecessary cost by doing three things. First, check your own car insurance policy to see what coverage carries over to rental cars. Second, see if the credit card you’re using offers any coverage for renting. And lastly, check the options the car rental agency offers in its own policies.

Many auto insurance policies include all-inclusive and collision coverage to damages to rental cars. There is absolutely no sense paying for more if your policy includes this coverage, right? Just verify the details with your insurance agent before you decline the automobile rental company’s additional insurance options.

Typical auto insurance policies provide liability coverage that extends to car rentals. If you injure someone within an accident while driving a rental car, your policy will most likely cover you. If your car insurance policy will not provide these coverages if you are driving car rentals, be sure to purchase additional insurance from the car rental company to safeguard yourself.

In addition, many credit cards offer coverage for rental cars. If your charge card includes coverage for car rentals that have been damaged in an accident, you don’t need to buy any other additional insurance coverage the car rental company gives you.

Finally, read the car rental policy carefully and decide whether your car insurance or charge card covers you. Then discuss the automobile rental’s coverage with the agent. Always make the best decision. Don’t give into pressure by the car rental agent.

Deciding whether or not to pay for additional insurance coverage the automobile rental companies offer could be a tough decision. Consult with your credit cards and existing car insurance policy to see if they provide rental car provisions, and when they don’t, you’d better consider spending the excess money for additional insurance on your own protection.

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